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Home / Equestrian  / Equestrian Team Demonstration Day a huge success!

Last Friday 24 March, under sunny skies, the Equestrian Team had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills to the whole school on the hockey oval at lunchtime. The day was a great success thanks to the efforts and time of the maintenance team, who helped with the management and setting up of the event, and the Friends of Equestrian Committee who organised the day. Poverty Project ran a very successful bake sale to coincide with the demonstration, raising over $600 for their efforts. Thank you to all who organised this also! Thanks must also go to Mrs Bezaire, our Equestrian Coordinator, for her help on and in the lead up to the day. 

All the students enjoyed showing off their ponies to their friends, and it was lovely to see the smiles on the students’ faces as they shared with the school community what their sport is all about! 

By Eliza & Madison, Equestrian Captains 2017
