2017 Annual Spring Garden Tour – Limited Places, Book Now
Join us for the Annual Spring Garden Tour on Friday 27 October. This year we will be visiting the Broughton Hall Garden and a private garden, Barambah, both in Jindivick, Gippsland. Bring your friends and help fill our bus, but get in early as seats fill quickly! Book now via TryBooking.
For only $70, the Spring Garden Tour includes bus transport by Ventura Coach, morning tea and lunch at the Jindivick Tavern and entry to each of the gardens. We will also be running our regular bus raffles. Here is a small teaser for you to enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/
WHEN: Friday 27 October, 8.30am – 3.00pm (Itinerary details below)
COST: $70 all inclusive (transport, tours, morning tea & lunch)
RSVP: Friday 20 October 2017
BOOK: https://
Please direct all enquiries to Lisa Vecchio 0427 112 253 email: lisa.vecchio@gmail.com or alternatively you can contact the Community Relations Office at Tintern Grammar on 9845 7877 or email communityrelations@tintern
To view the Spring Garden Tour itinerary and terms & conditions please visit our website: https://www.tintern.vic.edu.au/2017-annual-spring-garden-tour-limited-places-book-now-2/