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Home / Charity  / National Bandanna Day

Canteen is an organisation that supports young people living with cancer. It helps them to cope with their own cancer or cancer in their family. This year our Year 6 boys and girls “banded” together to sell bandannas to raise funds and awareness for Kids with Cancer. The response was overwhelming and we sold close to four boxes of bandannas. On Friday 26 October, which was National Bandanna Day, some of the Year 6 students led a wonderfully energetic and fun game of ‘Cops and Robbers’ involving more than 70 of our Prep – Year 6 boys and girls all sporting some very colourful bandannas!

A special thanks to Mr Kenny, who joined with me to assist the Year 6 boys and girls. Through our efforts, we raised a total of $1,010. It is always heartening to see the manner in which our Junior School Community raises an awareness of, and supports causes and Community groups, that are important to us all.

by Ros Neilson, Boys’ Year 6 Teacher
