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Home / Music  / Annual Concert Showcases our Wonderful Choirs and Ensembles

On Friday 4 August, the Tintern Grammar Annual Concert took place in the CM Wood Centre. This event is the largest event on the Tintern musical calendar and there were over 150 students involved. During the evening, we heard from all 12 of our major orchestras, bands and choirs as they performed items they have been rehearsing diligently throughout the year. As is tradition, the evening finished with a massed item. This year it was a medley from Les Miserables, which we had learnt at our annual music camp two weeks prior. This item showcased students Eliza Mignot, Lucy Wheeler, Brayden Stokes, Jared Nottle, Grace Power, Audrey Middleton, Gerard Barclay, Gavin Choong, Fintan McCrave and Lovelyn Lim as they took to the microphone to perform the solo parts of the medley, supported by the medley band, conducted by Mrs Clarke and the medley chorus conducted by Mrs Bezaire. A massive thank you to all of the music staff, for their commitment, dedication and musical guidance in rehearsals and the lead up to this concert.

by Molly Fleming, School Pianist 2017
