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Alumni Musician to perform at the Celebration Dinner

We are delighted to announce that we have another past student musical performer Kathleen Yardley (YG 2008) who will be playing the violin throughout the evening. 

In her professional life, Kathleen wears many hats. She is a professional musician, as well as a violin and viola teacher at Shelford Girls’ Grammar. She has performed with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Australian Youth Orchestra, University of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the Chamber Strings of Melbourne. Kathleen is also a provisional psychologist and is currently studying a Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental) at Australian Catholic University.

During her time at Tintern, Kathleen was very involved in the music program and was the Instrumental Music Captain in Year 12. Kathleen will be joined at the Celebration Dinner by Rhianwen Bramble, a professional violinist and violist who is currently the Head of Junior Strings at Presbyterian Ladies College. Kathleen and Rhianwen met in the Australian Youth Orchestra in 2011 and have been playing together in various forms since then. 

Avenue of Excellence Work In Progress Update

The physical Avenue of Excellence is starting to take shape with the concrete foundations poured this week.

Next time you are passing the Main Reception building be sure to stop and check the progress as the Avenue comes to life.
