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Avenue of Excellence

The Tintern Grammar Avenue of Excellence has been established to formally celebrate and honour the outstanding achievements and contributions of extraordinary Alumni in their field of endeavour. It is our vision to inspire current and future students to pursue excellence in a wide range of areas including:

  • Arts
  • Commerce and industry
  • Community or public service
  • Sciences
  • Sport

The Avenue of Excellence further embodies the triumphs and sacrifices of extraordinary Alumni who have proven their abilities at a national or international level; the dedication and self-sacrifice of individuals who persevered to achieve at the highest level of excellence.

The Tintern Grammar Avenue of Excellence returns in 2024.

Do you know someone who should be part of our Avenue of Excellence?

We invite you to submit your nomination.

Nominations are now open

2024 Nominations are Now Open



  1. The nominee must be a past student of Tintern (including Tintern Girls, Southwood Boys and other variations of the school’s name).
  2. The nominee should be recognised to have reached the elite or highest level within the category or field endeavour for which they have been nominated.
  3. Nominees must be nominated by fellow alumni, peer, community member or past or present staff member. No self-nominations will be accepted.
  4. Only nomination on the approved nomination form will be considered.
  5. A nominee may be nominated for more than one category.


Nominees may be living or deceased Alumni of at least one year’s enrolment. To maintain an objective selection process, the selection committee may request that evidence be supplied and achievements verified to support any nomination.

  1. Nominees must fully satisfy the selection criteria of at least one (1) category A, B, C, D or E as listed below.
  2. Only the nominee’s individual achievements in relation to the criteria will be considered.
  3. The academic and co-curricular achievements attained whilst a student at Tintern may be used to enhance the candidate’s overall nomination. However, the category’s selection criteria must be satisfied in their own right.

A: Community or Public Service

Recognised significant and distinguished community service and leadership at a state, national or international level.

Automatic eligibility for consideration
Public recognition might include Order of Australia recipients, bravery/valour decorations, election to state or federal parliament, and certain senior military and police officer positions (such as Colonel or Superintendent)

Consideration for selection which may require additional evidence
Achievements might include long serving board directorships of not-for-profit organisations and advisory groups, senior leadership of community service groups, election to local government as a councillor, mayor or shire president.

B: Sport

Recognised significant and distinguished sporting excellence at a state, national or international level.

Automatic eligibility for consideration
Nominees might include medal recipient at Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games, world championships, or those who hold a world record or commonwealth record.

Consideration for selection which may require additional evidence
Nominees may be an athlete who was not a medal recipient at the Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games; a coach or team official (management/medical staff) at the Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games or world championships; an athlete with a significant level of achievement and success in a sport at a state/national open level, not just competing or playing at that level; a coach of a state/national league sporting club with a high level of success.

C: Arts

Recognised cultural activity excellence at a state, national or international level.

Automatic eligibility for consideration
Nominees might include a receipt of an award at state, national or international level in recognition of artistic endeavour, such as the Booker Prize, Archibald Prize, Wynne Prize, Walkley Award, Oscar or a Gold Logie.

Consideration for selection which may require additional evidence
Nominees might include those who have published work of literary significance; exhibited work at a state, national or international gallery; made a significant contribution to the production of a nationally or internationally released film or television program; or membership of a company of national status, such as Opera Australia and The Australian Ballet.

D: Sciences

Recognised scientific advancement, research or innovative excellence at a state, national or international level.

Automatic eligibility for consideration
Nominees might include recipients of the Nobel Prize, Wolf Prize or Lasker Awards; an honour or equivalent award where a significant contribution has been achieved through research, development or advancement of science, technology or medicine.

Consideration for selection which may require additional evidence
Nominees might include recipients of Australian Medical Association awards; scientists whose findings have benefited humanity in an important area of existence or who have added substantially to the body of human knowledge; recipients of distinguished awards in any field of scientific endeavour, such as surgeons, specialists, and/or general practitioners of high regard or distinction.

E: Commerce and Industry

Recognised significant contribution to business or an economy a state, national or international level. 

Automatic eligibility for consideration
Nominees might include recipients of the Order of Australia recognising their international or national industry specific awards; or establishment of a business which has developed into significant state, national or international proportions and has made a significant contribution to a regional, state or national economy.

Consideration for selection which may require additional evidence
Nominees might include recipients of sponsored awards, for example, the Telstra Business Awards; achievements such as long serving board directorships or senior leadership of major national or international company; a major contribution to the development of an industry or sector of state, national or international significance through innovation, invention or outstanding commitment; or appointment to a position of leadership as head of a business or industry of state, national or international status.

Selection Process

The Avenue of Excellence selection committee is comprised of representatives of the Executive, Staff and Alumni. This selection committee will meet to consider nominees against the selection criteria and to select the candidates. Once approved the Principal will write to the candidates to inform them of their nomination. Nominees will be given the opportunity to decline their inclusion in the Avenue of Excellence. Candidates will be recognised and honoured in 2024.

The Alumni, Community and Development Manager will liaise with the Principal to plan all induction events. The date of the 2024 induction will be announced soon.  No correspondence or explanation for acceptance or rejection will be entered into by the Tintern Grammar Avenue of Excellence Selection Committee or any member of Tintern Grammar or the Alumni groups


Avenue of Excellence Nomination Form

  • Please send by mail: Di Lacey Tintern Grammar Community Engagement Office PO Box 26 RINGWOOD EAST VIC 3135 OR by email: Or upload directly
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Avenue of Excellence inductees

Helen Reddy

(YG 1958)

Grammy Award Winning Artist

Cr Kate Redwood AM

(YG 1966)

Community Service Advocate

Mavis June Robertson AM

(1930-2015) (YG 1946)

Superannuation Leader and Social Justice Campaigner

Cheryl Batagol PSM

(YG 1970)

Environmental and Sustainability Leader

Janine Kirk AM

(YG 1970)

Business, Education, Health and Community Leader
