National Bandanna Day
Canteen is an organisation that supports young people living with cancer. It helps them to cope with their own cancer or cancer in their family. This year our Year 6...
Canteen is an organisation that supports young people living with cancer. It helps them to cope with their own cancer or cancer in their family. This year our Year 6...
We hope you can join our World Challenge team for a fun afternoon of colour on Friday 19 October, 3.30PM onwards! The Junior Schools’ run starts at 4.00PM, and will be...
The School thanks and acknowledges all members of our Tintern Community who have supported our 2018 Annual Appeal; Re-Imagining the Sciences. The generosity of our community demonstrates commitment and support for...
Join us and comedians Xavier Michelides, Tim Hewitt, Jonathan Schuster and Zack Dyer on Friday 3 August, 6.30pm in the CM Wood Centre for a great night of entertainment! There will also...
Tomorrow, June 20 is World Refugee Day. As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres writes about refugees in our world today: “This not about sharing a burden. It is about sharing a global...
Comedy For A Cause presents a showcase of some of the best comedians from the Sydney and Melbourne International Comedy Festival presented by the Tintern Grammar Social Justice Group. Join us...
Last Saturday 2 September, Scarlett Wild had a very special role at Guide Dog Victoria's 60th Anniversary Graduation Day. This special ceremony recognises the freedom and independence a Guide Dog can...
In a recent VCE Unit 4: Religion and Society lesson, one student remarked to the teacher, Ms Meredith, at how much they enjoyed the subject as it enabled them to...
When Robbie Poeme lost almost all his blood from a motorcycle accident, it was thanks to the blood donors that he survived and is now living more inspirationally than ever....
This week Channel 10 TV Show, The Project, featured a story on Tintern Grammar Year 8 student, Lochie Graham, and his amazing charity work giving sick and traumatised children something...