Wheelchair Basketball Rising Star
Like many teens Brady Cochrane loves playing basketball. He is a talented basketball player who aspires to represent Australia and is dedicated to his training regime to get there. After...
Like many teens Brady Cochrane loves playing basketball. He is a talented basketball player who aspires to represent Australia and is dedicated to his training regime to get there. After...
Our Year 7 students brought their persuasive writing skills to life by writing and presenting a persuasive speech. Each student presented a persuasive speech to their class on a topic...
As adults, we are all fully aware how quickly the world is changing, especially after the last two and half years. We have seen an incredible wave of growth in...
Keep the whole family entertained while practicing social distancing during the school holidays. Zoos Victoria Zoos Victoria are bringing the Zoo to you, they have set up a few live stream cameras...
The CM Wood Centre was filled to capacity on Sunday morning as the Friends of Music ran their most successful “Munch with the Musos” yet! This is the 12th year...
Raising awareness and funds for FareShare has been one of the main activities for the Green Team this year and Saturday 9 November was the long awaited for a2 Upstream...
At the start of the holidays, students completing their Duke of Edinburgh participated in a four-day hike around Wilsons Promontory, including an overnight stay at the lighthouse. Holly in Year 10...
Global Goals Youth Forum Recount On Thursday 29 August 2019, two teams from Tintern Grammar attended the ‘Global Goals Youth Forum’ held at Ivanhoe Grammar, Plenty Campus. The focus of the day...
Congratulations to our Years 7 and 8 students who competed in the Alliance Française finals on Sunday. These students travelled to the Alliance Française in St Kilda where they had...
In Term 1, Year 10 students had the opportunity to sit round 1 of the Australian Brain Bee Challenge; a competition that includes aspects of neuroscience and psychology. This year,...