Cathedral Service 2016
What a pleasure and delight it was to be part of the planning and the actual Service on Sunday 21 February at St Paul’s Cathedral. Our theme for the service was, ‘Building a new future’ and the school student leaders met many times to shape and create the service of worship we took part in. Our service began with Genevieve Barclay and Michael D’Addazio welcoming students, staff, families, Board member and Life Governors to the service.
Our preacher for the service was the Archbishop of Melbourne and Primate of Australia, The Most Reverend Dr Philip Freier who spoke to us about the foundations we build our lives on, and our year, and the place Jesus fits into all of that when we consider the ‘new future’ of our school Tintern Grammar.
The offering was taken for the Conscious collective and $2750 was collected to assist the people of Nepal through this very worthy cause. The Conscious Collective was set up by Tintern student Sophie Moore, Class of 2011. It is currently assisting and enabling communities in Nepal following the devastating earthquakes of 2015.
Finally, it was the supreme team effort of music students and staff, most ably led by Mrs Alison Bezaire who took us on a journey through song and music which added depth and texture to the worship.
A particular standout was the performance from Heidi Ruckert who sung ‘Ce un Nuovo Diem’ (It’s a New Day), ably supported by Tara McAsey on cello. The song was written and composed by Lady Shaula Salathe, and it was specifically composed for our Cathedral service. A recording can be watched below.
Thank you to all who came and participated in this service of worship and thanks.
Grace and Peace
by Rev Alison