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Home / Celebration  / Cathedral Service 2017

What a great joy it was to be part of the planning and the actual service on Sunday 7 May at St Paul’s Cathedral. The theme of our Cathedral Service this year was ‘Towards the hills: past, present and future’. This theme encapsulated our 140thcelebration, one where we recognise our time at Hawthorn and our move to the hills, our life here in Ringwood East and the challenges and adventures of the hills of the future, that lie before us. Our service began with Sienna Gerin and Angus Maynard, School Captains, welcoming students, staff, families, Board members and Life Governors to the service.

Our preacher for the service was the Bishop of Ballarat, The Right Reverend Garry Weatherill who spoke to us about the foundations we build our lives on, and asked us the question, ‘What will you do with your one wild and precious life?’, from the poem by Mary Oliver.

The offering was taken for the Cathy Freeman Foundation and $2,200 was collected. The Cathy Freeman Foundation was established in 2007 and exists to help Indigenous children and their families recognise the power of education and achieve their goals and dreams. A very worthy cause.

Finally, it was the supreme team effort of music students and staff, most ably led by Mrs Alison Bezaire who took us on a journey through song and music which added a great deal of depth and texture to the worship. This included The Hallelujah chorus brought together alumni, students, staff and members of the school community in an exquisite example of how music brings people together and speaks to all who are listening. Grace Powers’ solo of Amazing Grace captured the hearts of all the congregation with her amazing and soulful singing.

Thank you to all who came and participated in this service of worship and all who worked together to make it possible.

Grace and Peace

by Rev Alison
