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Home / From the Principal  / Challenges for a Smartphone Generation

Already it is difficult to recall the BSP (Before Smart Phones) era. As someone who relies extensively on a smartphone to stay in touch with people, to check my calendar, to read my emails and so on, it is difficult to imagine how we got everything done when our phone was a Nokia 5110 and text messages were considered to be sophisticated!

As a digital immigrant, who has grown with technology through from the 1990’s to now, it would be nice to think that I can recall a time when I was free of devices (I’ll admit it does seem a rather dim memory!). For our digital native children, however, they have known nothing different. I am constantly impressed by the ease with which they can apply various technologies to problem solve, collaborate, innovate and create; the capabilities of the 21st century that are going to be demanded of them in their post-schooling world.

At the same time, I doubt I am the only parent battling with “no devices in bedrooms after X o’clock”, “no screen time in the hour before bedtime”, “get out and take the dog for a walk please” and so on. As informed as I feel I am about the potentially deleterious effects of technology, there are times when my conviction that these are things our family must do, is pressed, flexed and stressed by the energy and will to take up the argument yet again! Perhaps you have felt this way too?

Below is a link to a Harvard Business Review article that may help reinforce your conviction, as it did mine. It is something that particularly our senior students need to read, and for us as adults, it points clearly to aspects of our lives too. I found its research base very compelling, for me as much as for my children. It may hold some interest for you also.

Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking

Factis non verbis

Bradley Fry, Principal
