Chaplain’s Corner – The Poverty Project
In a recent VCE Unit 4: Religion and Society lesson, one student remarked to the teacher, Ms Meredith, at how much they enjoyed the subject as it enabled them to ‘look beyond’ themselves.
‘To look beyond ourselves’, surely that is one of the key elements of education.
Recently, whilst doing an audit of Community Service in the school, it became apparent that at every level, from ELC to Year 12, students are and have been encouraged to look beyond themselves. With over 100 different organisations and charities assisted in some way over the course of the year here at Tintern Grammar by students, we certainly find students being reminded to ‘look beyond themselves’ often and in many different ways. And it is not until you get a snap shot of the School’s community service activities from ELC to Year 12, that it becomes apparent that it is a key and vital part of our lives here at Tintern Grammar, and not only that, but also there is no age limit.
In this Chaplain’s Corner, I want to make particular mention of just one of our Community Service groups, The Poverty Project, which is a group of students that has met for the past six years with its sole focus being, ‘looking beyond themselves’. They have chosen each year to hold a fundraiser, and for the past four years have supported The Sunflower Foundation. The President of the Sunflower Foundation is Kim Power, Grandmother of Tess (Year 9) and Grace (Year 12). Her husband, Paul Power, assists Kim in her role. The Sunflower Foundation empowers girls through education. Recognising that by educating girls in developing communities that an entire community benefits and that education is the key to community health and positive change. I would like to honour the consistent commitment of these girls and their passion for what they do. I would also like to make mention of Alex Wakeley, who has led them on this journey.
Finally, I am reminded that we can all pause and see this group of girls as inspiration, to look beyond ourselves and to consider how we too can get involved in community service.
by Alison Andrew, School Chaplain