Comedy line up announced for Comedy For A Cause!
Drum roll, please … we have just received the comedy line up for Comedy For A Cause!
Join us and these talented comedians on Friday 23 August for a night of family-friendly laughs and fun! All the details you need, including the booking link, are below.
Doors open: 6.30pm
Showtime: 7.30pm
Show conclusion: 9.45pm (approx.)
Venue: CM Wood Performance Centre
Adults: $25
Students: $20
Tickets are not allocated – so first in, best dressed
Book your tickets here
This year promises to be even bigger and better than last year with a fantastic night of comedy, yummy snacks, bake sale, silent auction, great raffle prizes and some extra surprises.
Comedy For A Cause presents a showcase of some of the best comedians from the Sydney and Melbourne International Comedy Festival in support of Tintern Grammar fundraiser for The Shamrock School in Nepal.