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Home / Music  / Concerto Showcase Report

Last week, on Wednesday 7 March, the Tintern Grammar biannual Concerto Concert took place in the CM Wood Centre. This was the preliminary stage of the event, where eleven of our advanced music students presented a movement of a concerto – a work for solo instrument/s with orchestral accompaniment. During the night, works were performed on clarinet, flute, oboe, piano, violin and viola and, in some cases, students performed multiple concerti on several instruments. Many hours of practice and preparation went into the night, by both the students and music staff. A massive thank you to our accompanists Heather McKenzie and Victoria Lok who shared the load of learning accompaniments to the 15 concertos – a truly mammoth task! A big thank you also to Debbie Haskell who had the extremely difficult job of adjudicating the evening and choosing four items to be performed with orchestra in June. The final four were: Clarisse Liew on violin, Ron Chen on piano, Holly Fryer on flute and Molly Fleming on piano. Congratulations to all the students who performed, and thank you to all involved. Make sure to put Thursday 14 June in your diaries for the final concerto showcase – hope to see you all there!

by Molly Fleming, School Pianist
