Congratulations to the Class of 2024
At Celebration Evening on Friday 22 November, we formally farewelled the Class of 2024, a tight-knit and cohesive group of students who contributed enormously to every corner of our community through service, academically in the classroom, in ensembles, on the stage, and across sporting courts and fields. As a School committed to an education underpinned by care, we celebrate growth in many forms, including academic achievement, and I write to share with you exciting news of the Class of 2024 and their remarkable VCE results.
Under the guidance and support of Tintern’s dedicated teaching staff, of the Class of 2024 students who sat for VCE examinations:
• 10% achieved an ATAR above 99, placing them in the top 1% nationally (2023 – 4%)
• 21% achieved an ATAR above 95, placing them in the top 5% nationally (2023 – 22%)
• 40% achieved an ATAR above 90, placing them in the top 10% (2023 – 33%)
• 66% achieved an ATAR above 80, placing them in the top 20% (2023 – 55%)
• The highest study score achieved this year was 50, achieved in three subjects: Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, and Creative Digital Media. For each of these students, this result is within the top 0.3% of students enrolled in the subject.
Congratulations to this year’s overall Dux Ethan Zhou who achieved an ATAR of 99.85, and to our International Dux, Patrick Shao, who achieved an ATAR of 99.5.
This is the fourth consecutive year that there has been strong growth in our median ATAR and median study score. This year’s median ATAR is 87 (up from 85 in 2023), meaning that half of our students are in the top 13% nationally. Also of note, this year’s median study score is 34 (up from 33 in 2023).
We are very pleased that our students have achieved so well as a cohort. While much focus will inevitably (and appropriately) fall on our highest achievers, the results for the whole year level are very impressive and are either close to, or are, Tintern’s best ever. Every student in the Class of 2024 who committed to achieving their personal best is to be commended. They have each taken their own path, on a shared educational journey, marked by the development of character, growth and achievement. As change-makers and custodians of our future, and with the compass as their guide, these graduates leave Tintern Grammar full of hope and opportunity, prepared to live a life of purpose and meaning.
On behalf of the Class of 2024, I thank all families who have provided them with strong support, and all our Tintern Grammar staff for their tireless commitment, not only this year, but throughout their schooling journey at Tintern, in supporting students to achieve their academic and co-curricular best.
Bradley Fry | Principal