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Home / Music  / Creating a new Anthem

Tintern Grammar is excited to announce the release in October 2022 of our new School Anthem, a song that unites us as one School, and pays homage to our past and our future.

To mark this significant milestone, we engaged the creative mastery of world-renowned composer Paul Jarman (composer of the Southwood Boys song) to create a School Anthem which brings our boys’ and girls’ voices together as one.

It has been an extended process of over two years, interrupted at times by COVID, where Paul has worked with current and past staff and students. We are thrilled with the way he has encapsulated the spirit of the School, honouring our past, present and future. We believe the Anthem By Deeds Not Words will fill the hearts of our School community with pride, and we look forward to its official public launch at Celebration Evening 2022.

Paul visited our School on 25 August 2022 to host assemblies with our ELC, Junior School and Secondary School, where he shared the Anthem with our students for the first time, shared the creative inspiration behind the words and music, and lead our students in singing the Anthem. Students and staff embraced the words and sang with gusto on this uplifting day.

Paul also included in his visit small workshop sessions with music and choral students where he shared insights into his creative process.

We are very proud that we now have a combined School Anthem for Tintern Grammar to join the Tintern School Song and the Southwood Boys Song. The Southwood and Tintern songs, icons of our culture and history will continue to be celebrated and sung at the School’s significant occasions and events. From our past of Tintern Girls’ Grammar and Southwood Boys’ Grammar our wonderful School has developed, flourished, and is thriving. We are looking forward to sharing By Deeds Not Words with our entire School Community later this year and singing together as one.
