Duke of Edinburgh Wilsons Promontory four-day hike
At the start of the holidays, students completing their Duke of Edinburgh participated in a four-day hike around Wilsons Promontory, including an overnight stay at the lighthouse.
Holly in Year 10 kindly shared her thoughts on the experience.
“Looking back on a camp which included difficult hiking sections, blistered feet and wet weather, the memories of hours spent with such a motivating group of people override any challenges faced. Walking the hills, boardwalks, gravel and grassy terrains allowed for me to fully unwind from a hectic term and despite being physically exhausted, rejuvenate, ready for a restful holidays. The feeling of fulfilment upon reaching our final destination at Telegraph Saddle was such an overwhelming feeling. It allowed me to look back on the resilience I had built throughout the trip and reflect on how glad I was that I had the opportunity to exert myself doing an activity I wouldn’t have chosen to do if it wasn’t for the Duke of Ed program.”
The Duke of Edinburgh program is an internationally recognised award that invites young people aged 14-25 to realise their ambitions and to change their world. It has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. To achieve each level, participants create their own program of activities and goals over a set length of time and across four sections: Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. Gold-level Award participants also undertake a fifth section: Residential Project– To broaden experience through involvement with others in a residential setting.
Through participation in The Duke of Edinburgh, young people are empowered with the skills and opportunities to make meaningful decisions, enhance life and work skills, live active and healthy lifestyles, contribute to their communities, and build their sense of adventure in the face of the unknown and unfamiliar.