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How to Enrol

How do you enrol and what is the process?

Tintern Grammar is currently implementing new software to assist families with enrolment, therefore online applications are temporarily unavailable. During this transition period we continue to welcome your enquiry, please email Thank you for your patience, an online application for your child will be available here again soon.

Thank you for considering Tintern Grammar for your child. We welcome the opportunity to become partners in your child’s education.

Since our beginnings in 1877 we have built a tradition of excellence, providing first-class educational opportunities for each and every child.

 Tintern Grammar has grown and evolved over 145 years and today our students enjoy all the benefits of an outstanding learning centre with easy access to public transport.

Our campus in Ringwood East offers modern, purpose-built facilities, in a semi-rural setting with spacious tree-lined grounds. It provides all our students with a safe, nurturing environment in which they can learn, thrive, grow and develop.

Tintern Grammar is an Open Entry school and our main intake year levels are:

  • 3-year-old Kindergarten
  • Pre-Prep
  • Prep
  • Year 5
  • Year 7 

Prep, Year 5 and Year 7 are our most popular intake years and early registration is highly recommended.

Mid-year intake will be considered if there are places available in the requested year levels.

Interviews for enrolment are based on date of application (unless your child has a sibling enrolled, or there is another family connection with the School).

Please note: applications for enrolment are encouraged and accepted at any time, but due to demand and to avoid disappointment we suggest that you apply as early as possible.

Apply online using the link above. Our Admissions office will acknowledge your application and payment. For more information regarding international enrolments at Tintern Grammar, please visit our International Enrolments page.


Tintern Grammar takes the care and responsibility of our students’ welfare extremely seriously and we believe that every student has the right to receive the best possible education whilst in a safe and nurturing environment.

View our policies and procedures.
