We are proud to offer Scholarship opportunities to young people who might not otherwise be able to attend Tintern. A Scholarship to Tintern provides the student with a breadth and depth to their education, opens up diverse and challenging opportunities as well as developing their leadership within the Tintern community.
Our students on Scholarships contribute an enormous amount to our community. This can be in academic leadership, in social justice and service, the arts, community leadership, presenting strong character, an appetite for learning and improvement, and respect, care and kindness towards others.
Thank you for your interest in Tintern Grammar.
Bradley Fry
Applications for 2027 Scholarships for entry into Years 7-11 will open on Friday 28 February 2025 and close on Friday 28 March 2025.
Please note: Scholarship applications for entry into Year 5 2027 will open in March 2026.
Tintern Grammar has partnered with the International Diagnostic and Admissions Test (IDAT) to administer scholarship testing on behalf of the School.
To apply for a 2027 Scholarship to Tintern Grammar, you will need to complete the following steps:
What is the Scholarships Review Process?
The School will receive the results from IDAT after all Scholarship tests have been completed. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview with the Principal, Vice Principal or Head of School, with interviews being held from Monday 26 May – Friday 30 May 2025.
Please do not call the School for the outcome. The School is unable to share any Scholarship testing results or provide feedback due to the competitive nature of this process.
Tintern Grammar will notify all candidates in writing at the completion of the Scholarship review process by Wednesday 18 June 2025.
How do I accept a Scholarship Offer?
To accept a Scholarship you must make payment of $2,500 (non-refundable and non-transferable) which is made up of $1,500 Acceptance Fee and $1,000 credited towards the first school account. The School also requires receipt of the signed acceptance paperwork as part of a standard enrolment within 48 hours.
What is the value of the Scholarship?
The value of the Scholarship is up to a maximum of 50% of the Tuition Fee only. Please note that Tintern Grammar does not offer full Scholarships at any level, and all Scholarships offered are non-negotiable.
What does the Scholarship cover?
The Scholarship covers your child’s Tuition Fees from the year of entry to the completion of Year 12. If your child leaves Tintern Grammar before the completion of Year 12, the Scholarship funds are to be repaid in full to the School.
The terms and conditions of Scholarships are confidential and any breach of confidentiality will result in the revoking of the Scholarship awarded.
Academic Achievement and Leadership Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s results from the IDAT test, as well as their completed application, NAPLAN results, school reports and accompanying documentation. Students will also need to demonstrate broader involvement and engagement in co- and extra-curricular activities outside the classroom. Academic performance must be maintained throughout the student’s learning journey at Tintern. Shortlisted candidates will attend an interview with the Principal or Vice Principal.
Future Voices Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s results of the IDAT test, completed application, NAPLAN results, school reports and accompanying documentation. The Future Voices Scholarship application should:
This may be in the areas of sport, community or public service, environmental responsibility, or other fields of significance. Leadership and involvement in the School must be maintained throughout the student’s learning journey at Tintern.
Short-listed candidates must attend an interview with the Principal or Vice Principal.
Music Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s music audition, results from the IDAT test as well as their completed application, NAPLAN results, school reports and accompanying documentation. Music auditions will be held from Monday 28 April – Wednesday 30 April 2025. During the audition, students must demonstrate outstanding musical ability. Students are required to play two contrasting pieces on their main instrument and arrange for their own accompanist to attend the audition. Throughout the student’s journey at Tintern, they must commit to tuition and involvement in ensembles and performances.
Music applicants will be assessed using a combination of the following selection criteria:
Years 7 and 8 entry – at time of audition
Years 9, 10 and 11 entry – at time of audition
Performing Arts Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s audition in either drama, dance or musical theatre or a combination of these areas, results from the IDAT test as well as their completed application, NAPLAN results, school reports and accompanying documentation. Performing Arts auditions will be held from Monday 28 April – Wednesday 30 April 2025. Students are required to perform two contrasting pieces in their chosen area and arrange an accompanist to attend the audition if required.
Performing Arts applicants will be assessed using a combination of the following selection criteria:
Social Justice Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s application which will demonstrate:
The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the student’s application as well as the results from the IDAT test, school reports and NAPLAN results, along with an interview with the Principal or Vice Principal.
This Scholarship is for students who would not normally have the financial means to attend Tintern Grammar. This Scholarship is means-tested and shortlisted candidates will be required to provide financial disclosure upon request.
The Dr Sylvia Walton AO Alumni Scholarship is intended for families who would not normally have the financial means to attend Tintern Grammar.
This Scholarship is awarded to a female child of an Alumni and based on the student’s application as well as the results from the IDAT test, school reports and NAPLAN results, along with an interview with a senior member of staff. This Scholarship is means-tested, and shortlisted candidates will be required to provide financial disclosure upon request.
The Mike Blood Alumni Scholarship is intended for families who would not normally have the financial means to attend Tintern Grammar.
This Scholarship is awarded to a male child of an Alumni and is awarded based on the student’s application as well as the results from the IDAT test, school reports and NAPLAN results, along with an interview with a senior member of staff. This Scholarship is means-tested, and shortlisted candidates will be required to provide financial disclosure upon request.
Henry Speagle joined the Tintern Community more than 60 years ago when he was appointed to the School Council by the Archbishop-In-Council. Henry remained a member of the School Council for nearly 40 years and in the final years of his term he was the Deputy Chairman. Among many contributions, his skill as an historian was put to good use in supporting the production of the School’s centenary history in 1977. Henry’s wife Jean supported and enjoyed many formal and celebratory events and activities, particularly those with a musical flavour. In 2001 Henry was inducted as a Life Governor of the School and in further recognition, in 1991, the Science block of classrooms was named in his honour, recognising his enormous contribution to the strength and development of Tintern Grammar. In 2019 the Speagle family was honoured when the building was refurbished and renamed as the Speagle Science Centre. Now in her 96th year, Jean continues to enjoy her connection to the Tintern Community and even though unable to attend in person, keeps up to date with the happenings around the School.
The Henry and Jean Speagle Scholarship has been pledged to the School by Henry and Jean and their son. Following Henry’s death in 2020, the Speagle family made an initial gift to the Scholarship Fund. The family will continue to build the corpus for the Scholarship including through a bequest.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for this scholarship:
This Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the student’s application as well as the results from the IDAT test, school reports and NAPLAN results, along with an interview with a senior member of staff. This Scholarship is means-tested, shortlisted candidates will be required to provide financial disclosure upon request.