From the Principal
Important information for our Cathedral Service that will help families with their arrangements on Sunday 21 February can be found in the different sections of Aspectus but I did want to make families aware of some key points. Firstly, this year we will be commissioning our new Chaplain, Reverend Alison Andrew during the Cathedral Service. This is a most significant day for both Reverend Alison and the School and I am sure many of our community will want to be there to support her for it. Second, while our uniform expectation for students at formal events is now full winter uniform for both boys and girls, I don’t think this is sensible for mid-February, so uniform for all students will be summer with Year 3 to 12 boys to wear ties please. During the hymn in the middle of the service, there will be a collection for the people of Nepal, for whom we also collected last year. Our community is a very generous one for others in need and I am sure this will be reflected in our collection to support the people of Nepal, who have undergone so much trauma recently.
Having attended last year’s service as a guest, I am very much looking forward to going this year as a leader of the School. I hope to see you there on the day and after last year, can we all please pray for temperate weather!
Our start to the school year has been remarkably smooth and purposeful with obvious application and industry in every classroom I visit. I am so pleased to see our students begin the year so strongly and I know that in teaching my Science class, I can barely keep up with the enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge of my students!