From the Principal – Tintern Grammar Fair 2019 – A call for Fair Committee members!
The biennial Tintern Fair is our most significant community and public event and we need your expertise! From logistics legends, to spreadsheet specialists and community connectors, the Fair cannot run without the expertise our community contributes and we are now seeking Expressions of Interest in membership of the Fair Committee. All manner of capabilities are needed and there is a diverse range of areas and roles within which our community can support this wonderful event.
In 2017, as in previous iterations, the Fair raised very substantial funds. Last year’s will be directed towards improving our solar power capability, particularly on the roof of the new Speagle Science Centre (our Annual Appeal project for 2018) later this year. As well as helping address the rising costs of electricity for the school, while decreasing our carbon footprint, in The Speagle Science Centre we will be able to monitor our energy production and enable students to develop real-world understanding of the relationships between power generation and environmental impact, to consider the costs to the community and whether entrepreneurship can enable this power generation to support the School in other ways. This will help develop ideas in those young people that will serve them well in their future.
So the Fair is a significant contributor to important aspects of our students’ academic and overall development, not merely a fundraising event. I hope you might consider what contribution you could make, either to the Fair Committee or closer to the time, as an overseer or volunteer on the day. It is a wonderful collaborative event that is truly fun to be part of and showcases the strength and cohesion of our Tintern community.
Although the 2019 Fair may seem some way away, it is a lengthy organisational task and the School and the Fair Committee are asking our community how they might be able to make a contribution to the Fair’s organising committee. In particular, we seek Convenor/s (usually two) to oversee and coordinate that Committee’s activities. There is an extensive and very detailed Fair Manual, which provides a ‘how to’ for potential Convenors
Expressions of interest for a Convenor’s role, or as a member of the Fair Committee, can be submitted to Di Lacey in our Community Relations Office via communityrelations@tintern.vic.edu.au.
I look forward to our students and your children experiencing again in 2019 the support and benefit that a successful Fair provides and that they can be proud that their family contributed to what will no doubt be another wonderful Tintern Grammar Fair!
Lastly, thank you to everyone who has donated to this year’s Annual Appeal. We have received an overwhelming number of donations which are greatly appreciated. Visit the following link to learn more about the Transformation of Science at Tintern: https://www.tintern.vic.edu.au/annualappeal/
by Bradley Fry, Principal