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Home / Music  / Jazz Night hits new heights as our musos reach for the stars!

Last Saturday evening the Tintern Friends of Music held their Annual Jazz Night in the CM Wood Centre. It was an amazing event with lots of great music, dancing, food and a wonderful community atmosphere. The music consisted of pieces played by our own Intermediate and Senior Jazz Bands, items from Chamber and Concert Choirs and also from the guest band, the New Melbourne Jazz Band, who provided fantastic music for dancing.

Also on this night, the Ron Trigg Jazz Award was presented to a student who shows skills in improvisation, participates actively and shows enthusiasm while playing jazz on their chosen instrument. This year’s winner is Year 12 student Maya Watt. Maya has been a dedicated and committed member of the musical life of Tintern for over six years, playing in many bands, orchestras and other ensembles, and is the perfect recipient for the award. Congratulations Maya!

A massive thanks to the Friends of Music committee and to all who assisted in setting up, decorating and helping in the kitchen on the night, as well as to everyone who came and got involved with such a fun evening.

by Molly Fleming, School Pianist 2017
