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Middle School

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Tintern Grammar’s Parallel Learning Program provides our Middle School students with an unrivalled opportunity to learn, grow and develop.

Parallel Learning at Tintern Grammar means that students in the middle years (Years 7-9) learn in single-gender classes. We offer an evidenced-based, tailored learning environment, specifically designed to engage classes of girls and boys. The approach of teaching girls and boys is tailored to their different styles of learning, providing a unique learning experience of the curriculum. Our extensive choice of Years 8 and 9 elective subjects provides further exploration of technology, personal expression, creativity and independence.

Our learning is structured to engage young people to strive to reach their potential, forming a strong foundation for success in their secondary years.

Tintern Grammar Girls’ Middle School is a positive and supportive place to learn, where courage and self-expression is celebrated. Our expert teaching staff inspire curiosity in girls, as students excel in STEAM subjects, English and Humanities, Languages, the Arts and embrace challenges on the sporting field. Our Parallel Learning allows our girls to fully explore and express creativity through Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Music. They become creative thinkers and problem solvers in this holistic learning experience.

Socially aware, our girls advocate for social justice; and they develop public speaking skills to present and debate with confidence. Middle School girls seek leadership opportunities where they exercise student agency, understanding the importance of their contribution to a better world.

Tintern Girls are strongly connected through our comprehensive and caring pastoral program. The focus on student wellbeing, independence, belonging to our community and growth of resilience, developed through activities at school and outdoor education camps. Our Middle School girls are reflective and self-aware with a strong sense of belonging and a growing understanding of who they are as a person.

The Middle School years are key to boys’ development, and we offer pastoral guidance in a nurturing, supportive environment, vital for adolescent boys’ wellbeing. We examine, guide and mentor with topics relevant to young men, inclusive of our School’s Compass values and encouraging wise choices.

Our values-based learning program together with solid, exciting learning opportunities offer boys positive direction, as they mature and grow. Boys in the Middle School are socially aware and make valued contributions to the Tintern and broader community.

Parallel Learning in the middle years, offers a single-gender environment with curriculum focussed on engaging boys. Small classes give our students an optimum learning environment where they can fully engage with teaching staff. In Mathematics, learning is optimised for boys by streaming classes appropriate for their level of ability. Reading programs and texts are chosen with specific appeal to boys to instil a love of reading. Our camps program offers challenge for reflection and personal growth. We provide opportunities for boys to develop their voice and take on leadership opportunities, excel in academics, Sciences, Mathematics, Languages, and express their creativity in the Arts, as well as enjoying teamwork and the physicality of individual and team sports.

Horizon Program

At Tintern Grammar we work with learners to ensure each student reaches their maximum potential.  Horizon is Tintern Grammar’s Gifted and Talented program. It aims to enrich and enhance the learning of highly able students who possess special talents and interests in a particular area of the curriculum.

The Horizon program aims to identify highly able students through a range of criteria and encourage these students to pursue their passions and interests.  Highly able students are offered a range of highly challenging enhancement and extension activities beyond the classroom.

Da Vinci Decathalon +

The Da Vinci Decathalon is an academic interschool gala day run in the spirit of an Olympic decathlon, with events of an academic nature and is offered in Years 7, 8 and 9. A team of eight students participate in activities in the following disciplines: Mathematics, English, Science, Code Breaking, Engineering Challenge, Philosophy, Creative Producers, Art and Poetry, Games of Strategy and general knowledge. The tasks are exciting and challenging with a particular emphasis placed on higher order thinking skills.

Write a book in a day +

Write a book in a day is a fun, creative, collaborative competition combining writing, illustration and fundraising. Students work in teams of up to ten and all funds raised to The Kids Cancer Project. Students are sent specific parameters which the story needs to adhere to. Completed stories are distributed to The Kids Cancer Project.

Academy Conference +

Participating in the ‘Junior Stretch and Challenge, this day celebrates intellectual exploration, navigating ideas and establishing connections across various academic disciplines.

Academic Challenge Days +

A variety of challenges are covered.  A recent activity has been the ‘Big Science Competition’.

Ethics Olympiad +

The Ethics Olympiad helps students develop communications, collaboration and critical thinking. Unlike a debate, students take their own considered position in relation to an ethical question. The Ethics Olympiad covers several domains including Social Science, Philosophy, Religious Education and Gifted Education.

Year 7 Philosophy Workshop +

The Philosophy Workshop provides students with an overview of some of the key areas of philosophical thought, including theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics, morality and logic. Students engage with the fundamental questions of existence and work together to construct frameworks upon which individual and societal understanding and morality can be based. Students work in teams to solve hypothetical problems and logical conundrums, gaining a deeper knowledge of the world of philosophy and thinking skills they can transfer into many areas of academic studies.

Poetry and story competitions +

Entering poems and stories into statewide and national competitions is encouraged and students can choose from many competitions on offer. Competitions may include: SLAM Poetry, Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Competition, Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition, Whitlam Institute Writing Competition and many others.

Melbourne University Mathematics Competition +

Mathematical insight and ingenuity are required for success in this competition. Mathematical knowledge required in this challenging competition. Students who have a real love for and ability in mathematics find this competition rewarding.

Mathematics Games Day +

Tintern students participate in the statewide Mathematics Games Day which are held annually. Teams of Year 7 and 8 students travel to a central location to compete against other Victorian Students. This opportunity is organised by our Mathematics Department.

Mathematics Talent Quest +

The Mathematics Talent Quest is an open-ended mathematical project requiring individual students (or groups) to select a mathematical topic to investigate, then plan and complete a project. Requiring creativity, application, independence and perseverance, students complete the project in their own time. The opportunity is organised by our Mathematics Department.

Have Some Fun Online (HSFOL) +

HSFOL is an online Mathematics quiz testing student’s skills and understandings in most areas of Mathematics. The competition consists of three rounds of questions, with teams of four students having one hour to complete the round. Students in Years 5 – 6 and the Middle School are offered this opportunity.


CREST (CREativity in Science and Technology) is an awards program offered by the CSIRO, which encourages secondary school students to choose, organise and undertake a practical science or technology project. CREST helps students develop scientific and technological skills and processes. The awards are nationally recognised and each student who completes a CREST project receives a certificate and medallion. Students in Years 5-6 and the Middle School are offered this opportunity.

Enrichment Program +

Offered to students who would benefit from additional intellectual, creative or artistic enrichment. Students select one Unit in Term 2 and one Unit in Term 3. Each unit is rigorous and intellectually challenging. It runs for 4-5 lessons, at a time nominated by the teacher. Units may vary each year and have included:

  • Philosophy: Designing the perfect society
  • Philosophy and the Metaphysics of Science Fiction
  • The Journey of a Ball: a STREAM based unit
  • Hands-on activities in Geometry and Topology
  • Mathemagic
  • Introduction to Spanish
  • Bringing out your best – Leadership and teamwork
  • Stepping towards more sustainable fashion
  • Sequences and series
  • Chinese culture
  • Turning an idea into reality
  • Idea generator
  • Create a pod
  • Are they related?

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