Science successes spanning the Junior and Senior schools this term!
Congratulations to Caitlin Howley and Sharon Li in Year 12 who have both won STAV Science Talent Search Major Bursaries for their reports on their IB Experimental Investigations. Caitlin’s was entitled “How does roasting temperature affect the amount of caffeine in coffee beans?” and Sharon’s was “The antimicrobial effect of garlic on Escherichia coli.” They will collect their awards at the Science Talent Search presentation ceremony at La Trobe University on Monday 29 October. These projects will now be entered into the 2019 BHP Billiton Foundation Science and Engineering Awards. Good luck Caitlin and Sharon!
Congratulations are also in order for Charlotte Davies, Amy Zhang and Kaitlyn Law in Year 5, who grew a crystal to enter into the RACI Crystal growing competition. After patiently growing and measuring their crystal for nine weeks during Term 3, they wrote a detailed formal report of their work, recording their measurements and the shape of the crystal during that time. We are pleased to share that their entry won first prize in the Victorian division of the competition for their Scientific Journal entry. They will receive a Participation Certificates and a small prize for their efforts. Well done, girls!
by Lanna Derry, Head of Science