Student Sport Achievements!
Alison Gatt successful at Karate NAS State Championships
Congratulations to Alison Gatt in Year 9 who competed in the NAS State Championships in karate over the weekend. Alison was very successful placing first in traditional forms, second in point sparring and third in continuous sparring, and will now compete in the National Championships in Queensland in early December. Well done, Alison!
More cycling success for Mitch McGovern
Year 9 student Mitch McGovern recently represented Tintern Grammar in the Victorian Schools Cycling Championships (VSCC) series in a criterium race at the Yarra Boulevard Teardrop course in Kew. Mitch did extremely well-placing 5th in a very close race and has qualified for the VSCC Road final in Bendigo on the Sunday 21 October.
Well done, Mitch on your recent success and good luck for the final!
Results from the Snowsports Australian Interschools
Congratulations to Christabelle Sriratana in Year 9 and Rose Rostron in Year 6 who competed at the Australian Interschools at Perisher last week. Both girls did extremely well and we are pleased to share that Rose finished 3rd in GS and 8th in BoarderX, and Christabelle finished 6th in Snowboard Slopestyle and 30th in BoarderX.
Well done, Rose and Christabelle! Your hard work and dedication has paid off achieving these fantastic results!
by Ashley Viney, Head of Sport