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Welcome to the world that is Tintern Grammar.



Technology doesn’t stand still, and at Tintern Grammar we constantly evaluate new developments to ensure the School stays at the leading edge.

Our students and staff are connected and engaged through technology with an extensive range of online learning tools, resources and state of the art equipment. This is complemented by our student and staff intranet wireless network and with the future development of our STEAM Centre we constantly look for opportunities to meaningfully inbed technology into our learning. Robotics, an Industrial Laser Cutter, 3D Printers and coding programs are just some examples of technology and learning by doing.

From Prep to Year 9, the School provides iPads for learning.  Years 10 to 12 students bring their own device to complement their studies.  Our highly qualified Technology Team are always on hand for laptop and computer support. Hardware and software issues are resolved on site providing a high level of service to our community.

Technology is a powerful connector for social and learning opportunities.  We teach our students responsible use of technology and online safety through classes and our Digital Citizenship policies, raising student awareness, understanding and skill levels working and socialising online. 

Change is the only constant in technology, and at Tintern Grammar we’re committed to staying ahead of the curve.

Tintern Grammar is a proud supporter of Safer Internet Day. We provide a series of community initiatives that promote safe and respectful online relationships.
