Consent* I agree to the privacy policy.
Tintern Grammar Privacy Policy
Tintern Grammar (Tintern) respects your privacy by treating all your personal and sensitive information in accordance
with the legislation. We are subject to the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), which contains the Australian Privacy Principles
(APPs), and other applicable state and territory laws.
This Privacy Policy sets out Tintern’s commitment to respecting privacy and how that commitment is carried out.
The type of information that we collect and hold will depend on the nature of your involvement with us.
Depending on the reason for collecting the personal information, the personal information that we collect may include
(but is not limited to) name, age, residential address, suburb, postcode, date of birth, phone number, email address,
identification numbers, qualifications, employment information, health insurance details, marital status, bank account
details, next of kin details, cultural information, images and video.
We may also collect sensitive information from a person including a working with children check, health information
or a police check.
You are not required to provide us with this information. However if you choose not to provide information as
requested, it may not be practicable for us to service your needs. For instance it will not be possible for us to enrol
your child if you want to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym.
We sometimes receive unsolicited personal information. In circumstances where we do receive unsolicited personal
information we will usually destroy or de-identify the information as soon as practicable if it is lawful and reasonable
to do so unless the unsolicited personal information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions
or activities.
Personal information is collected:
4.1 face-to-face when a person walks in to our reception office;
4.2 online via our website;
4.3 via email, post and phone; and
4.4 at a school open day.
We will endeavour wherever practicable to collect personal information directly from you. Information is collected in
a number of ways including from when you fill in a form, make an enquiry online, attend a face-to-face meeting,
provide email correspondence, phone us, or make a payment.
We may collect personal information from individuals such as visitors, contractors, and suppliers.
We will generally obtain consent from the owner of personal information to collect their personal information, or their
parent or guardian. Consent will usually be provided in writing however sometimes it may be provided orally or may
be implied through a person’s conduct.
We will endeavour to only ask for your personal information if it is reasonably necessary for the activities that you are
seeking to be involved in.
In relation to the collection and disclosure of sensitive information, we are bound by the APPs, which provide for the
circumstances in which disclosure is permitted, or required by law.
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We may collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information for the following general purposes:
5.1 to identify you;
5.2 for the purpose for which the personal information was originally collected;
5.3 for a purpose for which you have consented;
5.4 for information for direct marketing, and you will be given an opt-out in such communications;
5.5 for any other purpose authorised or required by an Australian law; and
5.6 for any other purpose authorised or required by a court or tribunal.
Our primary purpose of collecting personal information is to enable Tintern to carry out its purpose of providing
education to children who attend Tintern. This is done by managing and carrying on educational establishments and
providing pupils with a sound education for all phases of life in the community.
We do not usually send personal information overseas. In the event that we do, the person to whom the information
relates has consented to the overseas disclosure.
In relation to the personal information of prospective staff members and contractors, we collect the personal
information for purposes including to:
5.7 enable us to carry out our recruitment functions;
5.8 correspond with you, provide training and professional development;
5.9 fulfil the terms of any contractual relationship; and
5.10 ensure that you can perform your duties.
If you have any concerns about your personal information being used by us in any of these ways, please notify us.
Tintern treats marketing and seeking donations for the future growth and development of Tintern as an important
part of ensuring that Tintern continues to be a quality learning environment in which both pupils and staff thrive.
Parents, staff, contractors and other members of the wider Tintern community may from time to time receive
fundraising information. Tintern publications, like newsletters and magazines, which include personal information,
may be used for marketing purposes.
From time to time, and in support of our future development and growth, we will send direct marketing material if
you have consented to receiving such information.
If you do not want to receive any such information, you can contact Tintern by email on
Once we receive a request to “opt out” from receiving marketing information, we will cease sending such information
within a reasonable period of time.
We take reasonable steps to protect personal information under our control from misuse, interference and loss and
from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
We protect personal information in a number of ways including securely storing paper records, using professional
software systems, and password restricted access.
We are always committed to holding accurate and up-to-date personal information. We encourage you to update
Tintern about any changes to your personal information.
If you would like us to update the personal information that we hold about you, you can contact us via email on
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If you wish to access personal information held about you in order to seek correction of such information you may do
so by contacting community relations via email on
We may refuse access to personal information in a number of circumstances. These might include where:
9.1 giving access to the information would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of a person;
9.2 giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of a person;
9.3 the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings and would not be available under
the discovery process; or
9.4 denying access is required or authorised by an Australian law or court order.
We will seek to handle all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions relating to this policy, or you would like to lodge a complaint you need to contact us by:
10.1 writing to the Vice Principal; or
10.2 by phoning us on 03 9845 7777.
We will investigate any complaint and will notify the complainant of any decision in relation to the complaint as soon
as practicable.
If you are not satisfied with the response you can refer the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information
Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is
reasonably identifiable:
11.1 whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
11.2 whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
Sensitive information is a special category of personal information. Sensitive information means:
11.3 information or an opinion about an individual’s (i) racial or ethnic origin, (ii) political opinions, (iii)
membership of a political association, (iv) religious beliefs or affiliations, (v) philosophical beliefs, (vi)
membership of a professional or trade association, (vii) membership of a trade union, (viii) sexual
orientation or practices, (ix) criminal record, that is also personal information;
11.4 health information about an individual,
11.5 genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information;
11.6 biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or
biometric identification, or
11.7 biometric templates.
Biometric information includes information based on personal attributes such as fingerprints, DNA, iris, facial features,
hand geometry and voice.
Policy Approved by: Tintern Grammar Executive
Date Approved: 31/7/2019
Revision Date: 31/7/2022
Review cycle: 3 years
Owner: Director of Admissions & Marketing