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Home / Curriculum  / United Nation’s Youth EVATT Program

The Year 9 and 10 students involved the United Nation’s Youth EVATT program may not have achieved world peace, but they definitely broadened their understanding of the inner workings of the United Nations and learnt about the intricacies of some major global issues that plague our planet. In an environment set up to simulate the operation of the United Nations, each pair was allocated a country to research and collect evidence about their role in the global community and their stance on some current events.

This was a unique opportunity to see these controversial issues through totally new lenses and interact with a range of different perspectives. The day really heightened our understanding of the complex relationships between countries and exposed us to a new experience that called upon a variety of different skills such as negotiating with others and thinking on our feet. Overall, it was a rewarding incursion that everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed. We’d like to thank Mrs Watkins for organising the event.

by Ashleigh Dowling
