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Home / Charity  / Wheelathon to support the Wheelchairs for Kids organisation update

The gift of giving something so wonderful to someone else in need, that it changes their life, is rare and powerful.

In March, we were delighted to host a Wheelathon to support the Wheelchairs for Kids organisation. ‘Unsung heroes’ can become a blasé, throw away line, but the volunteers involved in this organisation are remarkable, Selfless people. They raise funds to build wheelchairs that are then shipped overseas to children in terrible circumstances, in disadvantaged countries. It only costs $200 for a wheelchair to be built and shipped and to then make it’s way to often very remote villages.

The two stories below highlight how support of WFKs changes lives:

“Mercy is a seven year old girl living in a small village in western Kenya. When meeting her, it’s obvious how much joy she exudes, she is full of life. Born with spina bifida, Mercy recently received a Wheelchairs for Kids wheelchair through an innovative project called ACCESS that is funded by USAID and supported by World Vision Australia through wheelchair donations. The project links a local service provider, Motivation Charitable Trust – a wheelchair technical expert, and World Vision, to ensure that clients not only get the right wheelchair in the right way, but also supported to fully participate in their communities.

Mercy loves her wheelchair and uses the blue table to write her homework. To her teacher’s delight she is always quick to answer questions in class. Mercy’s school is about half a kilometre away from her house, on a windy and bumpy path. Luckily Wheelchairs for Kids wheelchairs are built to last, the wheelchair holds out for the daily journey. In the past, Mercy’s mother used to have to carry Mercy everywhere on her back, which grew increasingly difficult as she got older. Her new wheelchair now ensures that Mercy can continue to do everything she loves like playing with her siblings. Mercy’s only complaint is that her mother now asks her to do household chores.

Wheelchairs for Kids great partnership with World Vision and Motivation Charitable Trust is changing the lives of children like Mercy.”

“Socheata, lives in a small village about 15mins outside of Kompong Thom and suffers from Motor Neuron Disease, in her case the upper motor neurons are specifically affected. She is now 4 years old and becoming quite a struggle for her grandmother to carry around….after contact was made with Wheelchairs for Kids, it took only two months before Socheata was in her own wheelchair”


Yesterday, we were delighted that Russell Hayes, from WFK, returned to an Assembly, where we presented him with a cheque for $7721.95… that’s 38 wheelchairs that will forever change the lives of children overseas.

What an amazing moment for our Junior School girls and boys… to feel such pride, compassion and fulfilment, and to experience the rare gift of giving so much to others. Enjoy this video summary of our 2017 Wheelathon.

by Adam Kenny, Head of Boys’ Junior School and Boys’ Education
